.. _upgrade-to-3.4.5: ################### 3.4.5 release notes ################### This version of django CMS is the first to introduce compatibility with Django 1.11, itself also a Long-Term Support release. ******************* What's new in 3.4.5 ******************* Bug Fixes ========= * Fixed a bug where slug wouldn't be generated in the creation wizard * Fixed a bug where the add page endpoint rendered ``Change page`` as the html title. * Fixed an issue where non-staff users could request the wizard create endpoint. * Fixed an issue where the ``Edit page`` toolbar button wouldn't show on non-cms pages with placeholders. * Fixed a bug where placeholder inheritance wouldn't work if the inherited placeholder is cached in an ancestor page. * Fixed a regression where the code following a ``{% placeholder x or %}`` declaration, was rendered before attempting to inherit content from parent pages. * Changed page/placeholder cache keys to use sha1 hash instead of md5 to be FIPS compliant. * Fixed a bug where the change of a slug would not propagate to all descendant pages * Fixed a ``ValueError`` raised when using ``ManifestStaticFilesStorage`` or similar for static files. This only affects Django >= 1.10 Improvements and new features ============================= * Introduced Django 1.11 compatibility