.. _upgrade-to-3.7.2: ################### 3.7.2 release notes ################### ******************* What's new in 3.7.2 ******************* Bug Fixes ========= * migrated from ``django.utils.six`` to the six package * migrated from ``django.utils.lru_cache`` to ``functools.lru_cache`` * migrated from ``render_to_response`` to ``render`` in ``cms.views`` * added ``cms.utils.compat.dj.available_attrs`` * added ``--force-color`` and ``--skip-checks`` in base commands when using Django 3 * replaced ``staticfiles`` and ``admin_static`` with ``static`` * replaced djangocms-helper with django-app-helper Improvements and new features ============================= * Added support for Django 3.0 * Added support for Python 3.8 *********************** How to upgrade to 3.7.2 *********************** Django 3.0 changed the default behaviour of the ``XFrameOptionsMiddleware`` from ``SAMEORIGIN`` to ``DENY``. In order for django CMS to function, ``X_FRAME_OPTIONS`` needs to be set to ``SAMEORIGIN`` in the ``settings.py``:: X_FRAME_OPTIONS = 'SAMEORIGIN'