.. _upgrade-to-3.2.1: ################### 3.2.1 release notes ################### ******************* What's new in 3.2.1 ******************* Improvements ============ - Add support for Django 1.9 (with some deprecation warnings). - Add support for django-reversion 1.10+ (required by Django 1.9+). - Add placeholder name to the edit tooltip. - Add ``attr['is_page']=True`` to CMS Page navigation nodes. - Add Django and Python versions to debug bar info tooltip Bug Fixes ========= - Fix an issue with refreshing the UI when switching CMS language. - Fix an issue with sideframe urls not being remembered after reload. - Fix breadcrumb in page revision list. - Fix clash with Foundation that caused "Add plugin" button to be unusable. - Fix a tree corruption when pasting a nested plugin under another plugin. - Fix message with CMS version not showing up on hover in debug mode. - Fix messages not being positioned correctly in debug mode. - Fix an issue where plugin parent restrictions where not respected when pasting a plugin. - Fix an issue where "Copy all" menu item could have been clicked on empty placeholder. - Fix a bug where page tree styles didn't load from STATIC_URL that pointed to a different host. - Fix an issue where the side-frame wouldn't refresh under some circumstances. - Honour CMS_RAW_ID_USERS in GlobalPagePermissionAdmin. Treebeard corruption ==================== Prior to 3.2.1 moving or pasting nested plugins would lead to some non-fatal tree corruptions, raising an error when adding plugins under the newly pasted plugins. To fix these problems, upgrade to 3.2.1 and then run ``manage.py cms fix-tree`` command to repair the tree. DjangoCMS Text CKEditor ======================= Action required --------------- CMS 3.2.1 is not compatible with djangocms-text-ckeditor < 2.8.1. If you're using djangocms-text-ckeditor, please upgrade to 2.8.1 or up.