.. _upgrade-to-3.0: ################# 3.0 release notes ################# ***************** What's new in 3.0 ***************** .. warning:: Upgrading from previous versions 3.0 introduces some changes that **require** action if you are upgrading from a previous version. .. note:: :ref:`See the quick upgrade guide ` New Frontend Editing ==================== django CMS 3.0 introduces a new frontend editing system as well as a customisable Django admin skin (`djangocms_admin_style`_). In the new system, ``Placeholders`` and their plugins are no longer managed in the admin site, but only from the frontend. In addition, the system now offer two editing views: * **content** view, for editing the configuration and content of plugins. * **structure** view, in which plugins can be added and rearranged. Page titles can also be modified directly from the frontend. .. _djangocms_admin_style: https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-admin-style New Toolbar =========== The toolbar's code has been simplified and its appearance refreshed. The toolbar is now a more consistent management tool for adding and changing objects. See :doc:`/how_to/toolbar`. .. warning:: Upgrading from previous versions 3.0 now requires the ``django.contrib.messages`` application for the toolbar to work. New Page Types ============== You can now save pages as page types. If you then create a new page you may select a page type and all plugins and contents will be pre-filled. Experimental Python 3.3 support =============================== We've added experimental support for Python 3.3. Support for Python 2.5 has been dropped. Better multilingual editing =========================== Improvements in the django CMS environment for managing a multi-lingual site include: * a built-in language chooser for languages that are not yet public. * configurable behaviour of the admin site's language when switching between languages of edited content. CMS_SEO_FIELDS ============== The setting has been **removed**, along with the SEO fieldset in admin. * ``meta_description`` field's max_length is now 155 for optimal Google integration. * ``page_title`` is default on top. * ``meta_keywords`` field has been removed, as it no longer serves any purpose. CMS_MENU_TITLE_OVERWRITE ======================== New default for this setting is ``True``. Plugin fallback languages ========================= It's now possible to specify fallback languages for a placeholder if the placeholder is empty for the current language. This must be activated in :setting:`CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF` per placeholder. It defaults to ``False`` to maintain pre-3.0 behaviour. language_chooser ================ The ``language_chooser`` template tag now only displays languages that are public. Use the toolbar language chooser to change the language to non-public languages. Undo and Redo ============= If you have ``django-reversion`` installed you now have **undo** and **redo** options available directly in the toolbar. These can now revert *plugin* content as well as *page* content. .. _ex-core-plugins: Plugins removed =============== We have removed plugins from the core. This is not because you are not expected to use them, but because django CMS should not impose unnecessary choices about what to install upon its adopters. The most significant of these removals is ``cms.plugins.text``. We provide ``djangocms-text-ckeditor``, a CKEditor-based Text Plugin. It's available from https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-text-ckeditor. You may of course use your preferred editor; others are available. Furthermore, we removed the following plugins from the core and moved them into separate repositories. .. note:: In order to update from the old ``cms.plugins.X`` to the new ``djangocms_X`` plugins, simply install the new plugin, remove the old ``cms.plugins.X`` from ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS`` and add the new one to it. Then run the migrations (``python manage.py migrate djangocms_X``). File Plugin ----------- We removed the file plugin (``cms.plugins.file``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-file As an alternative, you could also use the following (yet you will not be able to keep your existing files from the old ``cms.plugins.file``!) * https://github.com/divio/django-filer Flash Plugin ------------ We removed the flash plugin (``cms.plugins.flash``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/divio/djangocms-flash Googlemap Plugin ---------------- We removed the Googlemap plugin (``cms.plugins.googlemap``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-googlemap Inherit Plugin -------------- We removed the inherit plugin (``cms.plugins.inherit``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/divio/djangocms-inherit Picture Plugin -------------- We removed the picture plugin (``cms.plugins.picture``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-picture Teaser Plugin ------------- We removed the teaser plugin (``cms.plugins.teaser``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/divio/djangocms-teaser Video Plugin ------------ We removed the video plugin (``cms.plugins.video``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-video Link Plugin ----------- We removed the link plugin (``cms.plugins.link``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-link Snippet Plugin -------------- We removed the snippet plugin (``cms.plugins.snippet``). Its new location is at: * https://github.com/django-cms/djangocms-snippet As an alternative, you could also use the following (yet you will not be able to keep your existing files from the old ``cms.plugins.snippet``!) * https://github.com/pbs/django-cms-smartsnippets .. _cmsplugin-twitter-removed: Twitter Plugin -------------- Twitter disabled V1 of their API, thus we've removed the twitter plugin (``cms.plugins.twitter``) completely. For alternatives have a look at these plugins: * https://github.com/nephila/djangocms_twitter * https://github.com/changer/cmsplugin-twitter Plugin Context Processors take a new argument ============================================= :ref:`plugin-context-processors` have had an argument added so that the rest of the context is available to them. If you have existing plugin context processors you will need to change their function signature to add the extra argument. Apphooks ========= Apphooks have moved from the title to the page model. This means you can no longer have separate apphooks for each language. A new ``application instance name`` field has been added. .. note:: The reverse id is not used for the namespace any more. If you used namespaced apphooks before, be sure to update your pages and fill out the namespace fields. If you use apphook apps with ``app_name`` for app namespaces, be sure to fill out the instance namespace field ``application instance name`` as it's now required to have a namespace defined if you use app namespaces. For further reading about application namespaces, please refer to the Django documentation on the subject at https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/dev/topics/http/urls/#url-namespaces ``request.current_app`` has been removed. If you relied on this, use the following code instead in your views:: def my_view(request): current_app = resolve(request.path_info).namespace context = RequestContext(request, current_app=current_app) return render_to_response("my_templace.html", context_instance=context) Details can be found in :ref:`multi_apphook`. ``PlaceholderAdmin`` ==================== ``PlaceholderAdmin`` now is deprecated. Instead of deriving from ``admin.ModelAdmin``, a new mixin class ``PlaceholderAdminMixin`` has been introduced which shall be used together with ``admin.ModelAdmin``. Therefore when defining a model admin class containing a placeholder, now add ``PlaceholderAdminMixin`` to the list of parent classes, together with ``admin.ModelAdmin``. ``PlaceholderAdmin`` doesn't have language tabs any more and the plugin editor is gone. The plugin API has changed and is now more consistent. ``PageAdmin`` uses the same API as ``PlaceholderAdminMixin`` now. If your app talked with the Plugin API directly be sure to read the code and the changed parameters. If you use ``PlaceholderFields`` you should add the mixin ``PlaceholderAdminMixin`` as it delivers the API for editing the plugins and the placeholders. The workflow in the future should look like this: 1. Create new model instances via a toolbar entry or via the admin. 2. Go to the view that represents the model instance and add content via frontend editing. Placeholder object permissions ============================== In addition to model level permissions, ``Placeholder`` now checks if a user has permissions on a specific object of that model. Details can be found here in :ref:`placeholder_object_permissions`. Placeholders are pre-fillable with default plugins ================================================== In CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF, for each placeholder configuration, you can specify via 'default_plugins' a list of plugins to automatically add to the placeholder if empty. See :ref:`default_plugins in CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF `. Custom modules and plugin labels in the toolbar UI ================================================== It's now possible to configure module and plugins labels to show in the toolbar UI. See :setting:`CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF` for details. New ``copy-lang`` subcommand ============================ Added a management command to copy content (titles and plugins) from one language to another. The command can be run with:: manage.py cms copy_lang from_lang to_lang Please read :ref:`cms-copy-lang-command` before using. Frontend editor for Django models ================================= Frontend editor is available for any Django model; see :ref:`documentation` for details. New ``Page related_name`` to ``Site`` ===================================== The ``Page`` object used to have the default ``related_name`` (``page``) to the ``Site`` model which may cause clashing with other Django apps; the ``related_name`` is now ``djangocms_pages``. .. warning:: Potential backward incompatibility This change may cause you code to break, if you relied on ``Site.page_set`` to access cms pages from a ``Site`` model instance: update it to use ``Site.djangocms_pages`` Moved all template tags to ``cms_tags`` ======================================= All template tags are now in the ``cms_tags`` namespace so to use any cms template tags you can just do: .. code-block:: html+django {% load cms_tags %} ``getter`` and ``setter`` for translatable plugin content ========================================================= A plugin's translatable content can now be read and set through :meth:`~cms.models.pluginmodel.CMSPlugin.get_translatable_content()` and :meth:`~cms.models.pluginmodel.CMSPlugin.set_translatable_content()`. See :ref:`Custom Plugins ` for more info. No more DB table-name magic for plugins ======================================= Since django CMS 2.0 plugins had their table names start with `cmsplugin_`. We removed this behaviour in 3.0 and will display a deprecation warning with the old and new table name. If your plugin uses south for migrations create a new empty schema migration and rename the table by hand. .. warning:: When working in the django shell or coding at low level, you **must** trigger the backward compatible behaviour (a.k.a. magical rename checking), otherwise non migrated plugins will fail. To do this execute the following code:: >>> from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool >>> plugin_pool.set_plugin_meta() This code can be executed both in the shell or in your python modules. Added support for custom user models ==================================== Since Django 1.5 it has been possible to swap out the default User model for a custom user model. This is now fully supported by DjangoCMS, and in addition a new option has been added to the test runner to allow specifying the user model to use for tests (e.g. ``--user=customuserapp.User``) Page caching ============ Pages are now cached by default. You can disable this behaviour with :setting:`CMS_PAGE_CACHE` Placeholder caching =================== Plugins have a new default property: `cache=True`. If all plugins in a placeholder have set this to ``True`` the whole placeholder will be cached if the toolbar is not in edit mode. .. warning:: If your plugin is dynamic and processes current user or request data be sure to set ``cache=False`` Plugin caching ============== Plugins have a new attribute: ``cache=True``. Its default value can be configured with :setting:`CMS_PLUGIN_CACHE`. Per-page Clickjacking protection ================================ An advanced option has been added which controls, on a per-page basis, the ``X-Frame-Options`` header. The default setting is to inherit from the parent page. If no ancestor specifies a value, no header will be set, allowing Django's own middleware to handle it (if enabled). CMS_TEMPLATE context variable ============================= A new ``CMS_TEMPLATE`` variable is now available in the context: it contains the path to the current page template. See :ref:`CMS_TEMPLATE reference ` for details. .. _upgrading-from-2.4: ****************** Upgrading from 2.4 ****************** .. note:: There are reports that upgrading the CMS from 2.4 to 3.0 may fail if Django Debug Toolbar is installed. Please remove/disable Django Debug Toolbar and other non-essential apps before attempting to upgrade, then once complete, re-enable them following the `"Explicit setup" `_ instructions. If you want to upgrade from version 2.4 to 3.0, there's a few things you need to do. Start of by updating the cms' package:: pip install django-cms==3.0 Next, you need to make the following changes in your ``settings.py`` * ``settings.INSTALLED_APPS`` * Remove ``cms.plugin.twitter``. This package has been deprecated, see :ref:`cmsplugin-twitter-removed`. * Rename all the other ``cms.plugins.X`` to ``djangocms_X``, see :ref:`ex-core-plugins`. * settings.CONTEXT_PROCESSORS * Replace ``cms.context_processors.media`` with ``cms.context_processors.cms_settings`` Afterwards, install all your previously renamed ex-core plugins (``djangocms-whatever``). Here's a full list, but you probably don't need all of them:: pip install djangocms-file pip install djangocms-flash pip install djangocms-googlemap pip install djangocms-inherit pip install djangocms-picture pip install djangocms-teaser pip install djangocms-video pip install djangocms-link pip install djangocms-snippet Also, please check your templates to make sure that you haven't put the ``{% cms_toolbar %}`` tag into a ``{% block %}`` tag. This is not allowed in 3.0 any more. To finish up, please update your database:: python manage.py syncdb python manage.py migrate (answer yes if your prompted to delete stale content types) Finally, your existing pages will be unpublished, so publish them with the ``publisher`` command:: python manage.py publisher_publish That's it! ******************** Pending deprecations ******************** placeholder_tags ================ ``placeholder_tags`` is now deprecated, the ``render_placeholder`` template tag can now be loaded from the ``cms_tags`` template tag library. Using ``placeholder_tags`` will cause a ``DeprecationWarning`` to occur. ``placeholder_tags`` will be removed in version 3.1. cms.context_processors.media ============================ ``cms.context_processors.media`` is now deprecated, please use ``cms.context_processors.cms_settings`` by updating ``TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS`` in the settings Using ``cms.context_processors.media`` will cause a ``DeprecationWarning`` to occur. ``cms.context_processors.media`` will be removed in version 3.1.