.. _upgrade-to-3.0.6: ################### 3.0.6 release notes ################### ******************* What's new in 3.0.6 ******************* Django 1.7 support ================== As of version 3.0.6 django CMS supports Django 1.7. Currently our migrations for Django 1.7 are in ``cms/migrations_django`` to allow better backward compatibility; in future releases the Django migrations will be moved to the standard ``migrations`` directory, with the South migrations in ``south_migrations``. To support the current arrangement you need to add the following to your ``settings``:: MIGRATION_MODULES = { 'cms': 'cms.migrations_django', 'menus': 'menus.migrations_django', } .. warning:: **Applications migrations** **Any** application that defines a django CMS plugin or a model that uses a PlaceholderField or depends in any way on django CMS models **must** also provide Django 1.7 migrations. Extended Custom User Support ============================ If you are using custom user models and use ``CMS_PERMISSION = True`` then be sure to check that ``PageUserAdmin`` and ``PageUserGroup`` is still in working order. The ``PageUserAdmin`` class now extends dynamically from the admin class that handles the user model. This allows us to use the same ``search_fields`` and filters in ``PageUserAdmin`` as in the custom user model admin. ``CMSPlugin.get_render_template`` ================================= A new method on plugins, that returns the template during the render phase, allowing you to change the template based on any plugin attribute or context status. See :doc:`/how_to/custom_plugins` for more. Simplified toolbar API for page extensions ========================================== A simpler, more compact way to extend the toolbar for page extensions: :ref:`simplified_extension_toolbar`.