################### 2.3.4 release notes ################### ******************* What's new in 2.3.4 ******************* WymEditor fixed =============== 2.3.4 fixes a critical issue with WymEditor that prevented it from load it's JavaScript assets correctly. Moved Norwegian translations ============================ The Norwegian translations are now available as ``nb``, which is the new (since 2003) official language code for Norwegian, replacing the older and deprecated ``no`` code. If your site runs in Norwegian, you need to change your ``LANGUAGES`` settings! Added support for time zones ============================ On Django 1.4, and with ``USE_TZ=True`` the django CMS now uses time zone aware date and time objects. Fixed slug clashing =================== In earlier versions, publishing a page that has the same slug (URL) as another (published) page could lead to errors. Now, when a page which would have the same URL as another (published) page is published, the user is shown an error and they're prompted to change the slug for the page. Prevent unnamed related names for PlaceholderField ================================================== :class:`cms.models.fields.PlaceholderField` no longer allows the related name to be suppressed. Trying to do so will lead to a :exc:`ValueError`. This change was done to allow the django CMS to properly check permissions on Placeholder Fields. Two fixes to page change form ============================= The change form for pages would throw errors if the user editing the page does not have the permission to publish this page. This issue was resolved. Further the page change form would not correctly pre-populate the slug field if ``DEBUG`` was set to ``False``. Again, this issue is now resolved.