.. _how-to: How-to guides ============= These guides presuppose some familiarity with django CMS. They cover some of the same territory as the :doc:`/introduction/index`, but in more detail. Using core functionality ------------------------ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Use placeholders outside the CMS <01-placeholders> Serve multiple languages <02-languages> Serve multiple sites <03-multi-site> Work with templates <04-templates> Manage caching <05-caching> Enable frontend editing for Page and Django models <06-frontend_models> Create sitemaps <07-sitemaps> Manage Page Types <08-page_types> Headless mode <21-headless> Creating new functionality -------------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 Create plugins <09-custom_plugins> Upgrading plugins for django CMS 4+ <10-upgrade_plugins> Create apphooks <11-apphooks> Manage complex apphook configuration <12-namespaced_apphooks> Extend the Toolbar <13-toolbar> Customise the CMS menus <14-menus> Create content creation wizards <15-wizards> Create admin for grouper models <16-grouper-admin> Extend Page & Title models <18-extending_page_contents> Test your extensions <19-testing> Sharing functionality --------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 CMS application configuration <20-cms-config.rst>