Release notes 3.11.6#

What’s new in 3.11.6#


Bug Fixes#


This release includes 5 pull requests, and was created with the help of the following contributors (in alphabetical order):

  • Moe (2 pull requests)

  • Fabian Braun (2 pull requests)

  • Jim Lind (1 pull request)

  • FWehr (1 pull request)

Thanks to all contributors for their efforts!

How to upgrade to 3.11.6#

We assume you are upgrading from django CMS 3.11.5.

Please make sure that your current database is consistent and in a healthy state, and make a copy of the database before proceeding further.

Then run:

python migrate  # to ensure that your database is up-to-date with migrations
python cms fix-tree

Check custom code and third-party applications for use of deprecated or removed functionality or APIs (see above). Some third-party components may need to be updated.

Install the new version of django CMS from GitHub or via pip.


python migrate

to apply the new migrations.